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Parsee Launch

February 29, 2024 - 2 min read
Parsee aims to be a simple, opinionated framework for easily structuring data from the most common sources of unstructured data. These are in our opinion: pdfs, HTML files and images.

Why Parsee?

Parsee aims to be a simple, opinionated framework for easily structuring data from the most common sources of unstructured data. These are in our opinion: pdfs, HTML files and images.

Parsee is NOT aimed to be used in a „chat bot“ format. For fully structuring data we require the output to be most concise and type safe (I.e. we want to make sure the output is just a number or enum). For chat bot style usage there are already many frameworks available. That’s also why in this first release at least, we have not prioritized the integration with popular frameworks such as Langchain. We might add support for these later if requested by enough users.

If you are interested in running multiple extraction jobs in parallel in the cloud, you can sign up for Parsee Cloud:

In Parsee Cloud you can also find pre-defined extraction templates from the community or share your own.

Parsee can be both used with LLMs and other model architectures. The latter require the presence of a dataset, which you can also create in the python api and on parsee cloud. If you don’t have a dataset yet, you can always use a range of LLMs, which can already perform most extraction tasks fairly well (see the examples).

Open Source Framework Data Extraction and Structuring

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